Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Electric box by Evol,street artist from Berlin

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Facades- the simulation of reality

I went to Potsdamer Platz to take a closer look at the facades on scaffoldings over there.If you look from far away you can believe that they are real buildings.

I chose my victim, the building on the right side of the Canadian embassy.It's empty windows are simply asking to project something into them.

But it's what is inside that really matters, isn't it?
It's hard to believe that these facades do not cover any building, they actually cover an empty space and the whole scaffolding is built to so the Potsdamer Platz looks nicer, with no ugly holes between the buildings. So actually most of the people passing by are being convinced about the existence od unreal buildings. So that's how my victim looks like from the back

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

an idea for the Hauptproject-scaffolding

Facade on the St.Pauls cathedral in London

I think that the scaffoldings like this are very interesting things.There are artificial facades that cover the building works underneath and pretend that nothing has happened, that everything looks as it used to be before.
I found one good building by Potsdamer Platz which is wrapped perfectly.The photo will come soon.
My idea is to project the fictional people in the "windows" of the scaffolding, so the illusion becomes even deeper. To check if pedestrians will notice false facade people living in a facade building and also refer a bit to the voyeurism. Do you also look in the peoples windows at night to see how others live?
How many people watch reality shows which show unreal lives? Will they also want to watch unreal people on the facade?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Works of two other polish artists that correspond well with the theme of the minimal on the public space.

Pawel Althamer created "Brodno 2000".That could probably have a great socializing impact among the people who lived in that block of flats.

And Maciej Kurak who made a not-jet-grown house. The effort to make this work was maybe not minimal but surprisingly the effect was not so easy to spot by the passing people.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Analogue Laptop Extension. MyPad

MyPad is a simple way to add new use to your laptop. Made of transparent, extra strong and specially contoured foil can be cut to fit the size of the screen of the laptop perfectly.
1.Its innovative use is to enable copying and drawing images (with pens, pencils) directly from the screen of a laptop. Its structure prevents from sliding and the transparency allows for enough visibility of the shining screen (especially in a quite dark room).

2.MyPad also serves as a protecting pad for the screen, when the laptop remains closed and transported. It happens that the keyboard leaves signs on the screen when a pressure is put on the laptop by accident. Apple provides a very tatty pad which is delicate and vulnerable. There are also some expensive pads to buy in specialist shop. The cost of producing one MyPad is only 1 euro!

3. The last but not least, MyPad can be a perfect mouse pad when you happen to work on a shiny desk! And you will never forget to take it with you because you always keep it in a closed laptop as a protective pad!

To order MyPad please contact me via email.Do not forget to give the exact size of your screen (in milimeters) ;P

Sunday, November 12, 2006

minimal interventions in public/open space

The works of a polish artist (to start with a patriotic accent;) Dominik Lejman. He made simple video projections of animals (on the walls or floor) in a hospital for the children.Unfortunately I couldn't find any videodocumentation on the net but I had an opportunity to see it. And the children really loved the resting tiger in the hospotal corridor or flamingoes on the wall. It also helped them to forget about the illness for a moment.http://www.deutsch-polnisches-jahr.de/neu-veranstaltungen-de-details.php?id=7151

Monday, November 06, 2006

blop blog

Got another virtual reality that will steal my time from all the other nice things around.