Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Historic water pumps in Berlin.Adding a new function

There are still quite a lot historic water pumps, which lost their function and are now just a monument of the past. It could be great to in a way "rehabilitate" them and adding a new sense to they existence;)
There is also one pump on my street , here in Berlin (Lubbenerstrasse, Kreuzberg).

Idea 1.

The idea is to use water pump as an instrument. Wataer falling strikes the membrane of a "drum". A microphone/bug inside the drum receives the signal and sends via radio to a laptop. Then the sound is enforced and transformed and send back to the pump, where a speaker receives the sound

Idea 2.

The world is running out of drinking water and lack of it is a big HAZARD at the moment but noone cares about using it in a sustainable way. Also in the water pumps where people waste water usually just for fun (bacause they don't have to pay for it at all)
The idea is to install water-meter on the pump and hack it so it becomes a traditional gambling game- one armed bandit, when you waste a lot of water but never win.


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